Tuesday, May 15, 2007
-Welcome to Joint Forces Command!
-The JFC is IL2’s largest virtual, full realism military organization.
-The JFC encompases all flight simulator games, but mainly focuses on the #1 WWII air combat simulator IL2 Sturmovik (PF, FB, 46).
-The JFC has a chain of comand comparable to real world millitary standards.
All JFC oficcers must always act acordingly to their rank and duties.
-All pilots can be accepted, as long as they are serious, act maturely within the JFC comunity or public forums, and age from 16 to 150.
-Full taining is given to our members. Our instructors are waiting on our JFC server airstrips, giving basic or advanced flight and combat training, flight navigation and control, bomber tactics and even aerobatics.
-We run both Allied & Axis powers with multiple service branches, squadrons and units.